3 Ways To Make Rice Crispy Treats

 There are many delicious treats that you can make using Rice Crispies, here are just three ideas - including the old favourite, Rice Crispy Cakes!

1. Rice Crispy Cakes

The simplest cake to make...ever...no, really! The Rice Crispy cake requires no actual baking, just a small amount of patience in waiting for the chocolate to set - and even then, that's not really essential ;)

First of all, you will need to melt whichever chocolate you have chosen to use.

Once melted, transfer the chocolate over to a large bowl, and pour in your rice crispies. There is no specific amount of rice crispies you need to add - the less you use, the more chocolatey your cake, however the more you add, the more cakes it will make...it's a catch 22 situation.

Once you've mixed the rice crispies and chocolate together, you can spoon them into cupcake cases.
I like to add a little extra chocolate on the top, today I have chosen mini eggs, but you can use anything from buttons to sprinkles - your choice!

Wait for them to set in the fridge (or don't, as the case may be - I won't judge) and there you have it!
Really, very, very simple.

2. Crispy Chocolate Bites

This one is a favourite of mine as I love chocolate bars with crispy pieces.
A silicone ice cube tray is recommended for this, as it is non-stick, and easy to manipulate when removing the chocolate.

The first step is to melt your chosen chocolate, and pour it into your ice cube tray. Only fill each segment half way, or you won't have room for the rice crispies.

Next, you will need to sprinkle some rice crispies on top of your chocolate layer. Again, the number of crispies is up to you - I like to use as many as I can fit.

Your next step will involve yet more melted chocolate - did I mention how much I enjoyed making this blog post?
For this you can either use the remaining chocolate, or melt more of the chocolate used in the base if you had used it all. You could even use a different chocolate completely to make it even more unique.

Leave to set in the fridge for about an hour, then remove each chocolate bite from their segment.

3. Marshmallow Tray Cake

This last treat is particularly sweet, but is delicious served as a base for a scoop of ice cream!

Melt your marshmallows in a saucepan - I use the full bag, which is 200g.
Keep stirring to stop them from burning. They will begin to get very stringy and sticky, but slowly they will melt completely.
When the marshmallow has gotten fairly runny, and there are no lumps left, you can pour in your rice crispies. You will need to mix them into the marshmallow and transfer it all to your non-stick tray fairly quickly, as the marshmallow will cool fast!

Spread your crispy marshmallow to cover the whole base of your tray.
Melt some more chocolate, dip in a teaspoon, and drag the back of the chocolate covered spoon across your marshmallow cake.
If you had enough chocolate left, you could pour a layer of melted chocolate over the top instead.
Once set, you will need to heat the tray slightly in order to be able to remove it from the tray. You can do this either in the oven, or in the microwave, and the scooping it out with a spoon.

I hope you enjoy making these delicious treats!

See you Friday for another blog post for your pets!


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